The TMeasy is a tire model suitable for vehicle handling analyses and enables easy parametrization. Recently, a convenient interface to Modelica was implemented by the team to support the TMeasy also for vehicle modelling in multi-physical domains, see IAVSD publication. The research is focused on the particular problem of reliable reproduction of the tire’s bore torque, which occurs during parking maneuvers. It outlines the tire dynamics theory, discusses the Modelica interface implementation, and presents the results of parameter identification which were achieved based on real experiments with DLR’s research platform ROboMObil.
Comparison of steering torques in an extreme parking manoeuver, experimental (top) vs. simulation (bottom).
A comprehensive parameter identification process for the TMeasy model of the ROMO’s 165/35 R17 size tire was performed, with particular emphasis on the bore torque behavior. For the parameter identification the four steering motor torques were measured during a real parking maneuver of the DLR’s experimental platform ROboMObil. For future research, the influence of the wheel’s camber angle on the bore torque deployment is of additional interest.